On this page you will find information about the various ways you can work with me on the relationship with yourself, others, and your surroundings:

One-on-one Relationship Path Work©:

With a partner:

You will also find information about:

One-on-one counseling

Relationship path Exploration Session

An extra long 1.5 hour in-depth session, in which we'll explore whatever is currently on your mind relationship wise - whether it's the challenge of finding a fulfilling relationship, a question you're grappling with in your current relationship, or the struggle to move on after a break-up. No topic is too strange, everything is open for discussion and exploration. Together, we'll listen deeply and work towards gaining clarity about your situation, ultimately identifying concrete follow-up steps that are tailored to your unique needs.

Exploration sessions can be used standalone (it's not uncommon that one session is all you need to find your bearings!); but also function as the starting point for a deep-dive counseling trajectory or personally customized version of the signature 'Relationship path Mapping Journey', in which I walk alongside you for a longer period.

1,5-hour relationship path exploration Investment*
Exploration Session (1st exploration) €89 (single-use introduction rate for our first extra long session of 1,5 hours)

Try it risk-free: though we'll dive in right away, if after our first 20 minutes you feel I'm not a good fit for you as a connection guide, we can end the session and there will be no payment obligation.

Prefer to just get acquainted first? Let's have a cup of tea on a 20-minute call! This no obligations 'see-if-we-click' & sparring call is completely free of charge - and can be expanded with 70 minutes to a full Exploration Session (usually at a later time), so you'll keep your 1st exploration rate.

Exploration Sessions are online, unless otherwise agreed.
Regular price €148,=

* Are you on a low income (or live in a low income country!), and is the investment too much for you? Then contact me. Also see the frequently asked questions at the bottom of this page about my 'pay it forward' initiative.

One-on-one counseling

Relationship path Counseling trajectory

Delving deeper into something that is at play, working through it, or exploring a new issue to regain clear direction. All themes are welcome: relationship decision making, grieving breakups, addressing recurring patterns, as well as managing anxiety and tension surrounding relationships. I truly walk alongside you, providing exercises and insights for connection, utilizing stories and therapeutic methods to untangle complexities – tailored to where you are and what you currently need.

By the end of your trajectory, you will have gained more understanding of relevant aspects within your relationship landscape, regained clarity in your direction, and developed a deeper insight into personal patterns. Additionally, you will have taken concrete steps towards handling these situations and continuing on your path in a more wise and effective manner.

Number of sessions Investment
1-2 €99 per hour
3-4 €89 per hour
5-6 €84 per hour
7+ €80 per hour

Contact me to plan your Relationship Path Counseling Trajectory. We'll decide on the ideal duration and session length for your journey together.
Counseling sessions in a trajectory are in principle online. In specific cases (local and weather conditions allowing) they can also include outdoor sessions.

My signature one-on-one trajectory

Relationship path Mapping Customized Self-Research Journey

Do you suspect that there is a pattern that you yourself are a part of? Do you have a feeling that the larger system you live in highly influences your love life? Do you want to delve deeper into what is going on in your case and find direction, but don't know where to start?

Then sign up for a taylor-made guided self-research trajectory in which you'll map out your personal relationship path. Step by step, you will systematically uncover the aspects and lines that consciously and unconsciously have shaped your path, based on a carefully developed and interactive dynamic structure. The result brings awareness, and insight into where you are, where you want to go, what winds are blowing, and where your pitfalls and obstacles lie. This equips you to make better decisions, navigate more purposefully, and grounds you - both in your own center as well as in the shared relationship spaces that might arise on your path.

During your self-exploration and mapping process as well as during our guidance sessions, you'll gain profound insights, and by the end of the journey, you'll have a meta-perspective of your unique path. However, the in-depth exploration of themes that may arise, or learning to actually transform limiting patterns that you may encounter on this trajectory requires additional work. Because doing this type of self-research is rigorous and intensive, and also may potentially be confronting, I offer it only in combination with a minimum of 5-7 Relationship path counseling sessions. This way you won't get stuck in 'analysis paralysis' but will move from awareness of your patterns to integrating desired changes and making these sustainable.

Elements Investment
Complete taylor-made interactive self-inquiry map with 5 core modules ('areas'), in a password-protected enviroment (app), incl. personal instruction calls and full 'limiting belief' coding €350
5 (minimum) or 7 (recommended) transformative relationship path counseling sessies €400 or €525
Extra modules (optional) Fully personalised; price upon request
Extra counseling sessions (optional) €80 per hour

Embark on this taylor made self-inquiry journey straight away?

Relationship listening with partner(s)

Shared Center Work© Themed Sessions - with partner(s)

My abovementioned services consist of individual one-on-one sessions. However, when you are in a relationship, two (or more) relationship paths converge. This means it becomes a co-creation alongside being an individual endeavor: a shared relationship space emerges between the partners - with its own dynamic.

In Shared Center Work© Themed Sessions, this dynamic takes center stage. This is not your typical 'learning to dialgue' traditional relationship counseling: my sessions follow the unique and very effective Onderstroomluisteren© ('Listening to the undercurrent'*) method. Through this method, you and your partner will explore and transform a theme that influences the undercurrent of your shared relationship space together, from an equal and therefore much safer base. You will both feel deeply heard and seen, gain unexpected insights regarding your theme, and walk away with concrete steps for the future that fit each individual's relationship path.

Joining for the first time? Then first schedule a Shared Center Work Intake conversation. In this mutually no-strings-attached 45-minute session, we'll get to know each other, you'll receive (supervaluable!) insights into your shared space, we'll explore what undercurrents you'd like to listen to together, and how I can best support you. There's a guarantee from my side: the intake session is free (you'll get a full refund) if I feel we're not a good fit.

Shared Center Work© Investment
Shared Center Work Intake (45 mins) €75
Themed Session with a partner (1,5-2 uur) €175
Themed Session with more participants (e.g. children, bonus parents, or others that are part of the relationship) On request (in some cases I will ask a second facilitator to join us)
Rental fee external location (if needed) Excluded

Our intake session is online, unless otherwise agreed. Themed Sessions are on location if you live nearby, but can also take place online.

Tip: If you are interested in (dual) Relationship Path Mapping, or would like to receive (additional) individual Relationship Path counseling, please indicate that at 'message' on the booking form!

*Onderstroomluisteren© ('Listening to the undercurrent'), which I developed in collaboration with psychologist and listening expert Saskia Zwijnenburg, is also available as a transformative group listening process in teams, startups & organizations.
For more information, please visit Onderstroomluisteren.nl (in Dutch).

In case you need extra support

Mini Check-in Sessions Customized Untanglement Support

There might be instances when you have an urgent question or require emotional support, while the next session is still some time away. Or perhaps, in addition to your ongoing journey, you could benefit from extra reminders or 'pit stops' in between sessions - or to consolidate lessons after a completed trajectory 🌱

I offer Mini Check-in Sessions in 15-minute time slots – which I can usually make time for at quite short notice, and that I find often are enough time to help you re-center.

Do you feel a need for occasional or customized extra clarity and disentanglement support? When you book a session or trajectory, you will get access to the special planning link for Mini Check-in support.

Extra Support Investment
Short question via app Free of charge
Mini Support Session per 15 min €20
Extra Support as an explicit part of trajectory No extra charge

Note: Customized Extra Support is only available for existing clients and serves as a supplement to, not a replacement for, sessions or trajectories, in which we delve much deeper.

Frequently asked questions:

At what times and location(s) do you work? Do you only work online?

I prefer to work online, for which I usually use Zoom and/or Miro. In specific cases, I also offer in-person (usually outdoor) sessions. The latter typically takes place in the Wageningen/Heveadorp area.

I work on appointment basis, and generally from Monday to Friday between 11:00 and 17:00.

Upon request (and with a minor additional fee), I might also be available for evening sessions from Monday to Thursday, between 19:00 and 21:00.

Feel free to get in touch, then we'll together determine what works best in your situation!

How many sessions do I need?

How many sessions you'll need entirely depends on your situation. Think of it like visiting a physiotherapist:

Sometimes, you might have a minor issue that's resolved after a few sessions, and you can happily continue on your own. Other times, a longer journey might be required.

In some cases, the sessions themselves are sufficient, while in others, practicing via exercises at home can be beneficial.

For certain issues, a more intense period of sessions might be necessary to delve into the desired depth. Your system might also need time between sessions to recover and integrate new lessons and movements.

And sometimes, it's just nice to have maintenance sessions a few times a year to touch base ;)

In short: get in touch and we'll create a fitting plan for you together. Based on your questions and input during the exploration session (which often serves as a -mutual- intake), we'll determine what's best for your specific situation.

Do you work with everyone?

My starting point is that all of use are different, all of use are important, and all of use are worthy of connection and belonging.

However, I don't embark on a counseling journey with everyone. And neither should you!

First and foremost, it is crucial that we feel a sufficient connection, that we 'click'. That you feel that you can trust me and that this is the right step for you.

A condition from my end is that you are intrinsically motivated to honestly reflect on yourself and to learn to navigate differently.

That you're open to adopting a broader (sometimes even non-personal) perspective.

And that you are, in principle, capable of finding your own path.

Ultimately, what matters most is that our interaction doesn't feel forced, that there's a 'flow' that enables me to be a catalyst to your connection with yourself, the other, and your close environment.

To save valuable session time, I'll usually ask you to fill in a brief intake form. I will then listen to you, our interaction, and my intuition very carefully to assess if we're a good match, and encourage you to do the same.

What payment options are available?

If you live in the Netherlands, I usually send you a payment request that allows you to pay using any Dutch bank.

However, if you prefer a different method (for instance, if you reside outside the Netherlands), you can also pay through credit card, Bancontact, Revolut, PayPal, or a traditional bank transfer.

If you have further questions about payments, payment methods, or invoices, please let me know.

I'd love to join the 'pay it forward' initiative. How does it work?

Inspired by coffee bars in Italy, where you can buy an extra coffee to be given to someone in need, I've established a 'pay it forward' system - a kind of solidarity fund. This way, you can pay in advance for individuals with limited or no income. Thus enabling them to participate in sessions at a significantly reduced rate.

If you'd like to participate in this friendly initiative, please indicate your interest when booking a session or journey. Additionally, you can contribute an extra amount to 'pay it forward' afterwards. You can choose the amount you'd like to contribute, and will receive a separate payment link for this purpose.

By the way, I'm also participating myself and will match every extra contribution you make (after deducting VAT)!

Do you have a policy for low-income individuals?

I don't work for free, as of course I have to live as well. However, I'm committed to contributing to making the world a bit fairer!

So, if you're struggling with the stated prices due to a low income, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Thanks to the 'pay it forward' initiative described above, I can often offer sessions at a reduced rate.

Can trajectories or sessions get reimbursed in some cases?

Health insurance
Unfortunately, My relationship path counseling is not covered by Dutch health insurance. The costs are your own responsibility. Of course it can be seen as a valuable investment in yourself and your well-being - as well as that of your (future) relationship and/or family.

Some Irish health insurances do cover part of my sessions. Reimbursement is your own responsibility.

Via business or employer
If you have your own business or work for an employer, there might be alternative possibilities for reimbursement. The costs can be classified as business expenses, which are tax deductible. Arguably your employer benefits when you feel better and have more control over yourself and your life.

Inquire with your employer about the possibilities and contact me for a quote (note: this won't be listed as "Relationship path" but as coaching/counseling by Hanneke J. Nijland / De meisjes van de ronde tafel - there will be no mention of relationships on the quote).

Many Collective Labor Agreements (CAOs) include a mandatory educational budget, which you could choose to use to get insight into patterns on your relationship path: after all, these issues can affect your life - and therefore also your work!

Can I gift a session or trajectory (e.g., to my son or daughter)?

Most certainly! You can request a My relationship path gift voucher through my contact form.

An important condition, of course, is that the recipient truly wants to engage in My relationship path session work, and that I also feel it's a good match. Usually, things work out well, and the recipient will be delighted. And if it doesn't turn out as hoped, you can easily pass the voucher to someone else, use it yourself, or receive a refund (within 14 days, and of course always if the decision not to work with the recipient is made by me). So, there's no risk :)

A disclaimer: without permission of the person in question I will not share information from the sessions with the gift-giver, even when the receiver is not yet of age. Please also see my terms and conditions (at the bottom of the website).

Google mentions that you are LGBTQ+ friendly. What does that mean?

Simply put, that means that everyone is welcome, regardless of how they identify or the type of relationship they are seeking.

Since we're discussing diversity/inclusivity: I don't shy away from discussing kinks or fetishes either. My guiding principle: as long as it's consensual, it's open for discussion. (Also if you have some judgments about it yourself!)

What about privacy and confidentiality?

I treat you and your information with the utmost of care. You can find more details in my privacy statement and terms & conditions.

And as outlined in my code of ethics: our sessions remain strictly confidential. I won't share any personal details about you and your experiences with others, without your explicit permission.

This ensures that you can freely express yourself and ask questions about anything that's alive in you, with peace of mind.

If I am in a relationship, shouldn't my partner and I come together?

When you're in a relationship, relationship paths are both individual journeys as well as a co-creation.

If you find that you're mainly dealing with tensions in yourself that might not directly relate to your current partner, or if you have questions about your relationship choices, it makes sense to book an Exploration Session for yourself or embark on a coaching journey.

If you have a partner and wish to explore specific patterns in your interaction on a deeper level, it's beneficial to work together (perhaps even involving children and step-parents if applicable). In my Shared Center Work Themed Sessions, I employ transformative listening sessions and guided insights into both your individual centers as well as the shared center of your relationship. Feel free to reach out to learn more about this unique and effective approach.

That being said, if for any reason you're unable to engage as a couple, you can still engage in individual work around your shared relationship center with me. In short: it's not mandatory to come as a couple; even in one-on-one sessions, you can gain valuable insights and work on your dynamic.

And of course: feel free to get in touch if you have any uncertainties.

What languages do you speak?

In principle, I offer sessions in English and in Dutch - my native tongue. However, if needed, I can also speak Turkish.

I have another question - how can I reach you?

Have another question about me or my work? You are very welcome to ask me: just send me a WhatsApp message or use your preferred contact options via the buttons at the bottom of the page :)